Jaw filler

Liverpool, Ormskirk & Wigan

Create a stronger, more streamlined appearance of the jawline.

See FAQs

We can create a stronger, more streamlined appearance of the jaw, using dermal fillers with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid, gently lifting the area and adding volume under the skin. They can be used to improve structure but also to address age-related issues including jowls and sagging skin.

The treatment improves overall definition and contouring to the jawline, improving volume and lifting the skin, achieving a natural youthful result.

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

45 Minutes

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

Slightly uncomfortable

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool
recovery time

24 Hours

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

Topical numbing cream

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool
Side Effects

Bruising & swelling

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

Prices start from £290

Frequently Asked Questions

I want a more defined jaw. Will this help?

In some cases yes, however, if you're wanting an "Instagram" sharp jaw then no. We do not advocate using jaw filler for anyone in their twenties or with no clinical indication as filler in the jaw can make your face shape look boxy and masculine. We primarily use jaw filler to restore lost volume due to the natural ageing process and can get fantastic results by camouflaging undesirable areas.

When will I see results and how long will the results last?

The results, whilst not permanent, are instant but will improve over the following 4 weeks and can last up to 12 months.

What can I expect after my treatment?

Bruising and swelling are to be expected. The swelling in the area can actually mask the results and make the area feel more full. The area can be tender and feel a little tight after filler. Avoid taking ibuprofen as this can bring bruising out.

Is it painful?

This procedure is generally not painful but can be slightly uncomfortable. We use a topical numbing cream to take the edge off and also use a combination of needle and cannula to provide more comfort.

What should I avoid after jaw filler?

Please avoid touching this area for 6-12 hours after injection, this includes affectionate dogs, curious babies and any other foreign objects near the area. You should avoid makeup until the next day. Smoking is not advised in any case, including E-Cigarettes. Avoid any exposure to UV, extreme heat i.e. sauna, steam rooms, sunbeds as this may increase discomfort and swelling. As well as extreme heat, you should also avoid extreme colds, this includes ice packs that are directly applied to the skin. If necessary, you can apply a clean cool compress to the area to reduce any discomfort and swelling. Avoid any dirty packaging from the freezer e.g. bags of peas as this can increase risk of infection. Avoid facial massages and skin resurfacing e.g. Retinol or AHA products until the area has fully healed.

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