Radio Frequency Microneedling

Liverpool, Ormskirk & Wigan

RF Microneedling targets deeper tissues to improve texture and ageing concerns.

See FAQs

Our Focus Dual machine can be used to target specific skin concerns, treating the skin at every layer to lift, firm and tighten, improving texture and boosting skin quality. It uses a combination of two clinically proven technologies, Radio Frequency Microneedling (RFM) and High IntensityFocused Ultrasound (HIFU), at different levels, with flexibility to customise treatment to the patient’s area of concern. Treating the effects of ageing, the combination treatment can tighten sagging or crepey skin, reduce wrinkles, lift eyebrows and even out scars.

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

60-75 mins

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

Slight discomfort in certain areas

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool
recovery time

24-48 hours

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

Topical cream applied

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool
Side Effects

Redness, bruising, tightness

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

From £250

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits?

The combination treatments provide ultimate flexibility, treating any skin type or level of concern due to the various needle depths and intensity settings available. There is virtually no downtime and skin can appear lifted and firmer after just one session.

How does the treatment work?

Two clinically proven technologies work together to target specific skin concerns for maximum anti-ageing results. In unison, they treat the skin at every layer, improving the overall appearance. The RFM uses super fine micro needles to puncture the skin’s surface and radio frequency to work the deeper tissues to improve texture and ageing concerns. The HIFU targets the SMAS layer beneath the skin using ultrasound technology reaching temperatures of 60-70C. This is the layer a surgeon would physically lift in a facelift. Both treatments can be adjusted depending on the level of the skin condition.

When will I see results and how long does it last?

Results are evident after just one session, although a minimum of two and up to six treatments deliver the best results. Patients are expected to see natural results a few weeks after the first treatment, improving over time.

Is it painful?

You can experience mild warming or a slight tingling sensation, but it is not described as painful.

What can I expect after my treatment?

You may experience slight swelling and redness immediately after treatment, but it should subside quickly.

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Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

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