ResurFACE® Fractional Laser

Liverpool, Ormskirk & Wigan

Laser light penetrates the skin, stimulating natural collagen renewal and improving texture.

See FAQs

ResurFACE® Fractional Laser is a non-invasive procedure that improves a range of different skin concerns, helping to even out the surface of the skin and boost collagen, improving the texture of the skin. Laser light targets the area of concern, penetrating the tissue and causing thermal damage, which then stimulates natural collagen renewal. The treatment does not affect unaffected areas of skin, which then help with the natural recovery process after treatment.

ResurFACE® Fractional Laser can be used on the face and neck and on different areas of the body to treat scarring, skin bumps and dents, open pores, wrinkles and skin laxity.

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

75 minutes

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool


Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool
recovery time

Redness, peeling/dryness up to 7 days

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

Not needed.

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool
Side Effects

Heat sensation afterwards, redness, dryness

Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

From £250.00

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it hurt?

You can expect to feel a warm, heating sensation during treatment, with some mild stinging. After treatment, the skin can be quite hot. We can use our cryo cooler skin cooling device to minimise discomfort if necessary.

How many sessions will I need?

Results can be visible after a few sessions, but we recommend a minimum of 3 maybe more depending on your skin concern. Treatments are carried out every 4 to 6 weeks, with top-up sessions, usually required once or twice per year.

Are there any side effects?

You may experience a mild sunburn sensation for a few hours and may be red for 1-2 days after treatment. Mild swelling can occur for 2-3 days following treatment, and your skin may appear bronzed for up to 10 days. Your skin will naturally exfoliate and may flake, similarly to the after-effects of mild sunburn. In rare cases, a small blister may form in the treated area.

Who is suitable?

ResurFace treatment is suitable for most people and highly recommended for individuals wanting a brighter, more even skin tone, smoother skin texture with improved skin elasticity, a reduction of wrinkles, reduced pore size and improvement to scars (including acne scars) and stretch marks.

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Alisha Louise Aesthetics Treatments Liverpool

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